SE450: Looking Back: Midterm in two weeks [1/24] Previous pageContentsNext page

Here is a syllabus for the exam.

+ UML Object Diagrams
  - objects (fields with value)
  - relations
    * link

+ UML Sequence Diagrams
  - objects (lifetime) (also static classes)
  - method/constructor call (lifetime and arguments)
  - method/constructor return (value)

+ UML Class Diagrams
  - classes (fields and methods with type and visibility)
  - interfaces (methods with type and visibility)
  - big arrow relations (triangular arrowhead)
    * specialization
    * realization
  - small arrow relations
    * aggregation
    * composition
    * dependency

+ Simple Idioms and OO programming techniques (using java)
  - packages
  - interfaces
  - classes
  - constructors
  - delegation
  - inner classes
  - static versus object classes
  - immutable data classes
  - mutable data classes
  - data object methods (equals, hashCode, compareTo, ...)
  - collection classes

+ Patterns
  - static factory
  - builder
  - command
  - strategy
  - state
  - composite

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