SE450: Taxonomy: UML representation of Collections [63/63] Previous pageContents

Here is a good, abstract drawing:

                           +--------------+     *  +---------+
                           | IntegerStack |<>----->| Integer |
                           +--------------+        +---------+

Here is a drawing showing the implementation:

   +--------------+  1     +--------------+     *  +---------+
   |    List      |<----<@>| IntegerStack |<>----->| Integer |
   +--------------+        +--------------+        +---------+

More concrete:

   +--------------+  1     +--------------+     *  +---------+
   |  ArrayList   |<----<@>| IntegerStack |<>----->| Integer |
   +--------------+        +--------------+        +---------+

Too concrete:

   +--------------+     1  +--------------+     *  +---------+
   | IntegerStack |<@>---->|  ArrayList   |<>----->| Integer |
   +--------------+        +--------------+        +---------+

This last diagram obscures the fact that IntegerStack is a collection of Integers.

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