Evaluation Comments
Course:Object-Oriented Software Development

Quarter:Winter 03/04
Time: 01:00 - 01:00
Location: Distance Learning
James Riely PhD

Associate Professor
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Summary     1       

What are the major strengths and weaknesses of the instructor?

1.   Very knowledgable of the subject material, as well as concepts outside the scope of the class. Class could have been alittle more organized, like having the material for the class presentations available in advance.

What aspects of this course were most beneficial to you?

1.   The SW project. It was a great learning tool for me as to how to code in the real world.

What do you suggest to improve this course?

1.   More homework problems on concepts discussed. UML diagrams, specific codeing of patterns are examples that would have been helpful. The homework that was done was useful to get back into the swing of Java programming as well as demonstrating the cdoe/test concepts.

Comment on the grading procedures and exams

1.   Very fair.

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