All Classes and Interfaces

Provides methods to generate arrays of Integer objects, arrays of doubles in [0.0,1.0), and arrays of characters.
The Bag class represents a bag (or multiset) of generic items.
Binary input.
Binary output.
The Digraph class represents an directed graph of vertices named 0 through V-1.
The DigraphGenerator class provides static methods for creating various digraphs, including Erdos-Renyi random digraphs, random DAGs, random rooted trees, random rooted DAGs, random tournaments, path digraphs, cycle digraphs, and the complete digraph.
The DirectedEdge class represents a weighted edge in an directed graph.
The DirectedEulerianCycle class represents a data type for finding an Eulerian cycle or path in a digraph.
The DirectedEulerianPath class represents a data type for finding an Eulerian path in a digraph.
The Edge class represents a weighted edge in an undirected graph.
The EdgeWeightedDigraph class represents an directed graph of vertices named 0 through V-1, where each edge has a real-valued weight.
The EdgeWeightedGraph class represents an undirected graph of vertices named 0 through V-1, where each edge has a real-valued weight.
The EulerianCycle class represents a data type for finding an Eulerian cycle or path in a graph.
The EulerianPath class represents a data type for finding an Eulerian path in a graph.
The FlowEdge class represents a capacitated edge with a flow in a digraph.
The Graph class represents an undirected graph of vertices named 0 through V-1.
The IndexMaxPQ class represents an indexed priority queue of generic keys.
The IndexMinPQ class represents an indexed priority queue of generic keys.
The MaxPQ class represents a priority queue of generic keys.
The MinPQ class represents a priority queue of generic keys.
The driver for the backtracking framework.
Complete the following method to sort a deck of cards, with the restriction that the only allowed operations are to look at the values of the top two cards, to exchange the top two cards, and to move the top card to the bottom of the deck.
This is a skeleton file for your homework.
This is a skeleton file for your homework.
This is a skeleton file for your homework.
This is a skeleton file for your homework.
MyListAccessor (debugging).
The PMytrHeap class is the priorityQ class from Question 2.4.24.
This is a skeleton file for your homework.
For this assignment, you must do two things: 1.
This is a skeleton file for your homework.
A Sudoker solver, implemented as a BacktrackProblem where each choice is represented by a MutableCell (a cell we can assign a digit as part of a possible solution to Sudoku).
This class provides methods for writing strings and numbers to various output streams, including standard output, file, and sockets.
This class provides methods for manipulating individual pixels of an image.
The Queue class represents a first-in-first-out (FIFO) queue of generic items.
The ResizingArrayBag class represents a bag (or multiset) of generic items.
The SET class represents an ordered set.
This class represents an ordered symbol table.
The Stack class represents a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack of generic items.
The Stack class represents a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack of generic items.
Standard audio.
Standard draw.
Standard input.
Standard output.
Standard random.
Standard statistics.
Traces the execution of a target program.
The UF interface represents a union-find data data structure.
The UF class represents a union-find data data structure.
An unsuccessful solution to a backtracking problem.
A interface defining a backtracking problem to be solved with the backtracking framework.
An interface defining the result of a backtrack problem.
A successful solution to a backtracking problem.