SE547: Sequential noninterference [8/23] Previous pageContentsNext page

Write μ ~ ρ whenever μ and ρ agree on L variables:

  1. { xH = 37, yL = 5 } ~ { xH = 0, yL = 5 }?
  2. { xH = 37, yL = 5 } ~ { xH = 37, yL = 0 }?

A command c satisfies sequential noninterference when:

If μ1 ~ ρ1 and (c, μ1) ->* μ2 and (c, ρ1) ->* ρ2 then μ2 ~ ρ2.

Which of these satisfy sequential noninterference?

  1. xH=yL;
  2. yL=xH;
  3. xH=0; if(even(yL)) { xH=1; }
  4. yL=0; if(even(xH)) { yL=1; }

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