Worksheet Scala

Table of Contents

1. Scala

1.1. Get the homework code

Unzip from D2L.

You will not be able to verify that your code compiles and passes tests without the tests contained in this zip file.

1.2. Read Repository Instructions

Browse the instructions in the README.html file in the top-level directory of the code you unzipped from D2L. You will need to refer to these instructions when you complete the assignment later.

Each week you will complete one file from this zip file. In the first week it will be fp1.scala. You hand the homework in on D2L.

1.3. Run SBT / Start Scala REPL

Open a command prompt or terminal, then change directory to the top-level directory of your unzipped code.

Verify that you have the file build.sbt in the current working directory. On a Linux or OS X system, it should look like this when you run ls and tree.

$ ls
README.html  build.sbt    src/
$ tree
├── README.html
├── build.sbt
└── src
    ├── main
    │   └── scala
    │       └── fp1.scala
    └── test
        └── scala
            ├── UnitSpec.scala
            └── fp1tests.scala

Use dir for a command prompt on Windows; you should see the same files and directories.

The file build.sbt contains instructions about how to build a project and other configuration information. When you start SBT, it uses the build.sbt file in the current working directory. This is very common for command-line build tools, but differs from GUI development systems.

When you first run SBT, it will attempt to download the version of the Scala compiler specified in build.sbt and various other libraries. For this reason, you will need a network connection on the first run.

Now run SBT by entering sbt at the command / shell prompt. You should see something like the following (the /tmp/assignments directory will be different for you).

$ sbt
[info] Loading project definition from /tmp/assignments/project
...lots of output from downloading files...
[info] Set current project to CSC447 Assignments (in build file:/tmp/assignments/)

The SBT prompt is >. You can enter SBT commands there, e.g., compile. See for more examples.

The only SBT command that we need at present is console. Enter the console command at the SBT prompt to start the Scala REPL. You should see something like the following.

> console
[info] Updating {file:/tmp/assignments/}assignments...
[info] Resolving jline#jline;2.12 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Compiling 4 Scala sources to /tmp/assignments/target/scala-2.11/classes...
[info] Starting scala interpreter...
Welcome to Scala version 2.11.2 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_60).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.


The Scala REPL prompt is scala>. You can enter Scala expressions and definitions at the Scala REPL prompt. Try this out by entering 1 + 2. You should see something like the following.

scala> 1 + 2
res0: Int = 3

1.4. Literals and Arithmetic

Write some Scala expressions for Boolean, integer, character, and String literals. Write some Scala expressions involving arithmetic. Try them in the Scala REPL.

You can bind the expressions to variables:

val x = true

or just type them in directly:


Solution: Scala Literals and Arithmetic

1.5. REPL Tips

Tips to improve REPL interaction:

  1. Try referring to one of the previous values in a new expression for the Scala REPL. E.g.,

    1 + (res0 * 2)
  2. Use command-line editing to pull up previous expressions and edit them in the REPL. Support varies between systems. Press the Up/Down arrow keys to scroll through REPL history. Press the Left/Right arrow keys to move through current expression (to edit).
  3. If you write Scala code in a text editor and then paste it into the REPL, you may end up with parsing ending too early. Either add curly braces to prevent parsing ending too early, or enter :paste into the REPL, paste, then press Control D to end pasting mode.

1.6. Val And Var

  1. In the REPL, define a variable x using val and try to assign to it. What happens and why?
  2. In the REPL, define a variable x using var and try to assign to it. What happens and why?
  3. In the REPL, define a variable x using val without an initializing expression. Why does the REPL reject that?
  4. In the REPL, define a variable x using val. Then define another variable x using val with a different value. Why does the REPL accept that? Which value is returned when you enter x into the REPL now?

1.7. Tuples

Write some Scala expressions for tuples. Try them in the Scala REPL.

Solution: Tuples

1.8. Lists

Write some Scala expressions to build lists (the builtin Scala List type). Use the :: (cons) operator for some, and the List (...) form for others. Try your expressions in the Scala REPL.

Solution: Lists

1.9. Equality Testing

Warning: Scala equality testing syntax conflicts with Java:

  1. Use == in Scala where you would use the equals method in Java, e.g., to test if two String instances contain the same characters.
  2. Use eq in Scala where you would use the == operator in Java, i.e., to test reference equality (that two references are pointing to the same instance).

Run Scala expressions in the REPL to convince yourself that this is correct.

Solution: Equality Testing

1.10. Factorial

Write the factorial function in Scala and try it in the REPL.

Then change your factorial function so that it prints out information about each recursive call as it happens.

Solution: Factorial

1.11. Upto

Try the following expression in the Scala REPL.

(10 to 20).toList

Write a Scala function upto that takes start and an end parameters (both of type Int), then returns a List[Int] of all Int between start and end (inclusive). That is, upto (start, end) should have the same result as (start to end).toList.

Solution: Upto

1.12. Repeat

Write a Scala function that takes an element and repeats it a given number of times.

It should work as follows:

scala> repeat ("hello", 5)
res0: List[String] = List(hello, hello, hello, hello, hello)

scala> repeat (13, 5)
res1: List[Int] = List(13, 13, 13, 13, 13)

Solution: Repeat

1.13. Recursive List Traversal

Define a Scala function printCounter that prints out each element of a list on its own line with a counter. The function must be written using recursion. You can create additional auxiliary functions if you like.

The output should resemble:

scala> printCounter (List ("the", "rain", "in", "spain"))
[001] the
[002] rain
[003] in
[004] spain

Recursive List Traversal

1.14. Analyzing Functions

Consider the following Scala code:

def f [X] (xs:List[X]) : List[X] =
  xs match
    case Nil => Nil
    case y::ys => y::(y::(f (ys)))

Our goal is to describe the effect of this function in words.

Develop some intuition for its effect by working out on paper:

  • the result of running f on a list of length 0 (there are not many!)
  • the result of running f on a list of length 1
  • the result of running f on a list of length 2
  • the result of running f on a list of length 3

Confirm your results using the Scala REPL.

Notice that if your choice of a list of length 1 is List (5) (say), then you can use that result when working out the result of running f on List (4, 5), because it recursively calls to f (List (5)). This breaks your analysis into smaller, simpler pieces.

With these results, and the intuition you have developed, what do you think the function does? Look at the code again to confirm your intuition.

Analyzing Functions

2. Solutions

2.1. Solution: Scala Literals and Arithmetic

val b1 = true
val b2 = false

val b3 = !b2
val b4 = b1 && b2 
val b5 = b1 || b2 

val n1 = 2
val n2 = 3

val n3 = n1 + n2
val n4 = n1 - n2
val n5 = n1 * n2
val n6 = n1 / n2

/* Character literals are delimited by an apostrophe. */
val c1 = 'h'
val c2 = 'e'
val c3 = 'e'

/* String literals are delimited by double quotes. */
val s1 = "hello"
val s2 = "world"

/* The string concatenation function is written infix as "+". */
val s3 = s1 + " " + s2

2.2. Solution: Tuples

/* Pairs are created using parentheses. */

/* They may have the same type. */
val pair1 = (3, 5)
val pair2 = ("hello", "world")

/* Or different types. */
val pair3 = (3, "hello")
val pair4 = ("hello", 3)

/* More generally, we can create tuples using the same syntax. */
val tuple1 = pair1
val tuple2 = (3, 5, 3, "hello")

/* Tuples can nest. */
val nested1 = ((3, 5), ("hello", "world"))
val nested2 = (pair1, pair2)

/* Now test equality of nested1 and nested2. */
val equal12 = nested1 == nested2

/* The nesting is significant.  tuple2 has a different type to nested1
 * and nested2.  Try running "tuple2 == nested1" at the 
 * command line to see that they are distinct values.

2.3. Solution: Lists

val emptylist = Nil
/* The following yields the same result as emptylist. */
val emptylist2 = List ()  

val singletonlist1 = List (5)
val singletonlist2 = List ('a')
val singletonlist3 = List ("hello")
val singletonlist4 = 5 :: Nil

/* Every object in a list must have the same type. */
val list1 = List (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
val list1a = 5 :: (4 :: (3 :: (2 :: (1 :: Nil))))
val list2 = List (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

/* Creates a List[Char] from a String */
val characters = "hello".toList

/* Functions/methods such as "reverse", concatenation/append ":::", and cons "::" can operate on
 * lists.
val list3 = list2.reverse
val list4 = list1 ::: list2 /* ::: - joins two lists */
val list5 = 29 :: list2     /* ::  - joins a list element and a list */
val list6 = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: Nil

/* Lists can be compared for equality, and equality is based upon
 * having the same elements.  It is not possible to create
 * (observably) distinct lists with the same elements.

val equal12a = list1 == list2
val equal12b = list1 == list3

val equal = list2 == (1 to 5).toList

 * * TUPLES: the type specifies the length, and individual components
 *   may have different types.
 * * LISTS: the length is unbounded (and may even be infinite!), and
 *   individual components must have the same type.
 * Tuples, lists, strings, etc., are all immutable.  You cannot
 * change them at all.

2.4. Solution: Equality Testing

These are straightforward:

scala> List (1, 2, 3) == List (1, 2, 3)
res1: Boolean = true

scala> List (1, 2, 3) eq List (1, 2, 3)
res2: Boolean = false

These are more tricky. The REPL happens to return the same String instance for hello so eq does not return false as we expect.

scala> "hello" == "hello"
res3: Boolean = true

scala> "hello" eq "hello"
res4: Boolean = true

But we can use a different expression to create a fresh instance of a hello String. This works as expected (returns false for eq).

scala> "hello" == "olleh".reverse
res5: Boolean = true

scala> "hello" eq "olleh".reverse
res6: Boolean = false

2.5. Solution: Factorial

def fact (n:Int) : Int = if (n <= 1) 1 else n * fact (n - 1)
def fact (n:Int) : Int = {
  println ("called with n = %d".format (n))
  if (n <= 1) {
    println ("no recursive call")
  } else {
    println ("making recursive call")
    n * fact (n - 1)

2.6. Solution: Upto

def upto (start:Int, end:Int) : List[Int] = {
  if (start > end) 
    start :: upto (start + 1, end)

2.7. Solution: Repeat

def repeat [X] (element:X, repetitions:Int) : List[X] = {
  if (repetitions == 0) 
    element :: repeat (element, repetitions - 1)

2.8. Recursive List Traversal

// Unit is the equivalent of the C/Java void type
// The dummy value of type Unit is ().
def printCounterAux [X] (xs:List[X], count:Int) : Unit =
  xs match
    case Nil   => ()
    case y::ys => 
      println ("[%03d] %s".format (count, y))
      printCounterAux (ys, count + 1)

def printCounter [X] (xs:List[X]) : Unit =
  printCounterAux (xs, 1)

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
  printCounter (List ("the", "rain", "in", "spain"))

2.9. Analyzing Functions

f (Nil)
--> Nil
f (5::Nil)
--> 5::(5::(f (Nil)))
--> 5::(5::(Nil))
f (4::(5::Nil))
--> 4::(4::(f (5::Nil)))
--> 4::(4::(5::(5::(Nil))))
f (3::(4::(5::Nil)))
--> 3::(3::(f (4::(5::Nil))))
--> 3::(3::(4::(4::(5::(5::(Nil))))))

The function doubles each occurrence of elements in a list. The resulting list is twice as long as the input list.

Author: James Riely

Created: 2024-04-17 Wed 17:41
