Concepts of Programming Languages
Instructor: James Riely
C type
What do you make of this program?
$ clang -m32 typing-00.c && ./a.out
(float)*p = 2123456768.000000
*(float*)p = 96621069057346178268049192388430659584.000000
i*s = -1047484
| int main() { |
| int *p = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int)); |
| *p = 2123456789; |
| |
| printf ("(float)*p = %f\n", (float)*p); |
| printf ("*(float*)p = %f\n", *(float*)p); |
| |
| int i = 2; |
| char s[] = "three"; |
| |
| printf ("i*s = %ld\n", i*(long)s); |
| } |
Unsafe access
Memory location contains data written at a given type (such as character array)
The same memory location is read without permission or interpreted at an incompatible type (such as int)
This is an unsafe access
Lox prevents unsafe access by throwing an exception
fun f(x) { return x - 42; }
fun main() { f("dog"); }
lox11> main();
Operands must be numbers.
Array bounds
$ clang -m32 typing-03.c && ./a.out
f=10.000000, a[0]=10 i=10
f=10.000000, a[0]=10 i=32401
f=96621069057346178268049192388430659584.000000, a[0]=10 i=32401
| int main () { |
| float f = 10; |
| int a[] = { 10 }; |
| short i = 10; |
| printf ("f=%f, a[0]=%d i=%d\n", f, a[0], i); |
| a[-1] = 2123456789; printf ("f=%f, a[0]=%d i=%d\n", f, a[0], i); |
| a[1] = 2123456789; printf ("f=%f, a[0]=%d i=%d\n", f, a[0], i); |
| } |
Aliasing a pointer on the Stack
$ gcc typing-06.c && ./a.out
x=2123456789, y=2123456789.000000
x=2123456789, z=38685644468023060038942720.000000
| int main() { |
| int x = 2123456789; |
| double y = x; |
| printf ("x=%d, y=%f\n", x, y); |
| double *p = &x; |
| double z = *p; |
| printf ("x=%d, z=%f\n", x, z); |
| } |
Aliasing a pointer on the Heap
$ gcc typing-07.c && ./a.out
*fp=10.000000, *ip=1092616192
fp=0x1063010, ip=0x1063010
| int main() { |
| int* ip = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int)); |
| *ip = 10; |
| free(ip); |
| float* fp = (float*) malloc (sizeof(float)); |
| *fp = 10; |
| printf ("*fp=%f, *ip=%d\n", *fp, *ip); |
| printf (" fp=%p, ip=%p\n", fp, ip); |
| } |
Function pointers
$ clang -m32 typing-04.c && ./a.out
| void unsafeCommand () { printf ("ouch!\n"); } |
| void safeCommand () { printf ("hurray!\n"); } |
| int main () { |
| int diff = &unsafeCommand - &safeCommand; |
| void (*c) () = &safeCommand; |
| c(); |
| c += diff; |
| c(); |
| } |
Function pointers with arguments
$ clang -m32 typing-05.c && ./a.out
| void floatCommand (float f) { printf ("f=%f\n", f); } |
| void intCommand (int i) { printf ("i=%d\n", i); } |
| int main () { |
| int diff = (void*)&intCommand - (void*)&floatCommand; |
| void (*c) (int) = &intCommand; |
| int j = 2123456789; |
| c(j); |
| c -= diff; |
| c(j); |
| } |
To be safe, Java does the following
Disallows pointers into the stack
Disallows pointer arithmetic
Disallows explicit
Checks array bounds
Checks potentially unsafe casts
Bounds checking
$ javac && java Typing04
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
| class Typing04 { |
| public static void main (String[] args) { |
| Object[] bs = new Object[4]; |
| Object b = bs[-1]; |
| } |
| } |
Checked casts
$ javac && java Typing05
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: C cannot be cast to B
| class A { int x; } |
| class B extends A { float y; } |
| class C extends A { char c; } |
| |
| class Typing05 { |
| static void f (B b) { |
| A a = b; |
| } |
| static void g (A a) { |
| B b = (B) a; |
| } |
| public static void main (String[] args) { |
| f (new B()); |
| g (new C()); |
| } |
| } |
Compare with dynamic cast in C++
Checked array assignment
$ javac && java Typing03
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayStoreException: C
| class A { int x=1; } |
| class B extends A { float y=2; } |
| class C extends A { char z='3'; } |
| |
| class Typing03 { |
| public static void main (String[] args) { |
| B[] bs = new B[1]; |
| A[] as = bs; |
| as[0] = new C(); |
| B b = bs[0]; |
| System.out.println (b.y); |
| } |
| } |
This is a design flaw -- More later
Traditional systems languages are purposefully unsafe
Assembly, C, C++, Objective-C, C#-unmanaged, ...
Recent application languages are meant to be safe
Lox, Java, Scheme, Javascript, Python, , C#-managed, ...
Recent systems languages attempt to isolate the unsafe bits
Safety and Dynamism
Even in safe languages, the overuse of dynamic checks allows program flaws to make it into production
Overuse of
is considered a billion dollar mistake
Which is better?
Security hole due to lack of null checks
Program crashes on null pointer reference
No good options?