001package algs13;
002import stdlib.*;
003import java.util.Iterator;
004public class XFixedCapacityIterableStack<T> implements Iterable<T> {
005        T[] a; // holds the items
006        int N; // number of items in stack
008        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
009        public XFixedCapacityIterableStack (int capacity) {
010                this.a = (T[]) new Object[capacity]; // no generic array creation
011                this.N = 0;
012        }
013        public int size ()        { return N; }
014        public boolean isEmpty () { return (N == 0); }
015        public void push (T item) {
016                if (item == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ();
017                a[N] = item;
018                N++;
019        }
020        public T pop () {
021                N--;
022                T result = a[N];
023                a[N] = null;
024                return result;
025        }
026        public Iterator<T> iterator () {
027                return new ReverseArrayIterator ();
028        }
029        public class ReverseArrayIterator implements Iterator<T> {
030                private int i;
031                public ReverseArrayIterator() { 
032                        int numOccupied = N;
033                        this.i = numOccupied - 1; 
034                }
035                public boolean hasNext () { return i >= 0; }
036                public T next () {
037                        T result = a[i];
038                        i--;
039                        return result;
040                }
041        }
042        public static void main (String[] args) {
043                //Trace.showBuiltInObjects (true);
044                //Trace.drawStepsOfMethod ("main");
045                //Trace.drawStepsOfMethod ("next");
046                //Trace.drawSteps();
047                //Trace.run ();
049                XFixedCapacityIterableStack<Integer> s1 = new XFixedCapacityIterableStack<> (5);
050                XFixedCapacityIterableStack<String> s2 = new XFixedCapacityIterableStack<> (3);
051                s1.push (11);
052                s1.push (21);
053                s1.push (31);
054                s2.push ("duck");
055                s2.push ("goose");
058                // Here's a nicer version
059                StdOut.print ("What's on the stack: ");
060                for (Integer k : s1) {
061                        StdOut.print (k + " ");
062                }
063                StdOut.println ();
064        }