001package algs13;
002import java.text.DecimalFormat;
003import stdlib.*;
004public class PlaygroundWithNonStaticNode {
005        private Node first;
006        class Node { 
007                public double item; 
008                public Node next; 
009                public Node (double item, Node next) { 
010                        this.item = item; 
011                        this.next = next; 
012                }
013        }
015        public static void main (String[] args) {
016                Trace.showBuiltInObjects(true);
017                Trace.run ();
018                PlaygroundWithNonStaticNode list1 = PlaygroundWithNonStaticNode.from ("5 11 5 5");
019                PlaygroundWithNonStaticNode list2 = PlaygroundWithNonStaticNode.from ("24 35 67");
020                Trace.draw();
021        }       
023        /* A silly method to show list creation */
024        public PlaygroundWithNonStaticNode example(int i) {
025                Node x1 = new Node (i+10, null);
026                Node x2 = new Node (i+20, null);
027                Node x3 = new Node (i+30, null);
028                Node x4 = new Node (i+40, null);
029                PlaygroundWithNonStaticNode result = new PlaygroundWithNonStaticNode ();
030                result.first = x1;
031                x1.next = x2;
032                x2.next = x3;
033                x3.next = x4;
034                return result;
035        }
037        /* ToString method to print */
038        public String toString () { 
039                // Use DecimalFormat #.### rather than String.format 0.3f to leave off trailing zeroes
040                DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat ("#.###");
041                StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder ("[ ");
042                for (Node x = first; x != null; x = x.next) {
043                        result.append (format.format (x.item));
044                        result.append (" ");
045                }
046                result.append ("]");
047                return result.toString ();
048        }
050        /* Method to create lists */
051        public static PlaygroundWithNonStaticNode from(String s) {
052                PlaygroundWithNonStaticNode result = new PlaygroundWithNonStaticNode ();
053                if ("".equals (s)) return result;
055                Node first = null;
056                String[] nums = s.split (" ");
057                for (int i = nums.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
058                        try { 
059                                double num = Double.parseDouble (nums[i]); 
060                                first = result.new Node (num, first);      
061                        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
062                                throw new IllegalArgumentException (String.format ("Bad argument \"%s\": could not parse \"%s\" as a double", s, nums[i]));
063                        }
064                }
065                result.first = first;
066                return result;
067        }