CSC448: Program Analysis I: Control Flow Graphs IV [88/133] Previous pageContentsNext page

The graphs are generated using the dot program from the Graphviz package.

If you want to try this yourself, call the buildDiagrams in the BuildDiagrams class from the Compile class:

    new BuildDiagrams ().buildDiagrams (basename, cu);

This produces a dot input file for each non-native block. For example:

dot converts this kind of file into a Postscript file (making layout decisions in the process):

$ (cd tests; for i in *.dot; do dot -Gsize="8,10" -Tps $i -o `echo $i|basename $i .dot`.ps; done)

Alternatively, you can produce GIF output instead of Postscript:

$ (cd tests; for i in *.dot; do dot -Tgif $i -o `echo $i|basename $i .dot`.gif; done)

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