CSC448: Code Generation: Homework [82/133] Previous pageContentsNext page

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Reading: chapter 9 (section 9.1, section 9.2, section 9.3 ) of the Dragon book.

Download and extract it to c:\compiler (UNIX users: anywhere will do, but the ZIP file does not include a top-level directory, so unzip it in an empty directory).

Add an existing JavaCC directory as before.

Read through,, and in the src/codegen/ directory and implement the changes described there (look for TODO comments, only in Test your code using ant test as usual. Look in the TEST-* files for summaries of the tests and the appropriate subdirectories created under the output/codegen directory with the results of code generation.

Your output need not be identical to that in the lecture slides, but it must be correct (meaning: the output program must have the same behaviour as the input program).

Debugging hint: you will not be able to run an executable until everything is completed, but you can make a small change to your code generator and then check that it is correct by comparing your test096.s against file:test096.s.

Write a text file named grader.txt that contains your full name and email address(es) and save it in the c:\compiler directory. Add a description to say whether or not you completed the assignment. If you did not complete the assignment, describe how much you have completed.

To submit your solution, ensure that your grader.txt file is still in place, then run ant submit from the c:\compiler directory and upload the resulting ZIP file to the COL/DL system for "Week 9 Homework".

Due at the start of the next lecture.

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