CSC448: Code Generation: Code Generation for Assignment Statements II [73/133] Previous pageContentsNext page

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After the final source-to-source transformation, we know that every StatExp contains an ExpAssign.

In addition, every proper subexpression on the left and right hand side expressions of the assignment is either null or a variable.

The method codeGenExp generates code for an ExpAssign in a StatExp.

private void codeGenExp (Exp exp, Frame frame) {
  ExpAssign expA = (ExpAssign) exp;

  // Generate code to load the value of expA.right into register eax.
  // Have to perform case analysis on expA.right, but recursion is not
  // necessary because the right hand side has a simple form.

  // Generate code to load the value of register eax into expA.left.
  // Only have to deal with the cases where expA.left is an ExpFieldAccess
  // or an ExpVar.

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