CSC448: Homework [1/1] Previous pageContents


Extend the compiler to provide full support for the
constructs listed below.  Full support means: parsing, AST, pretty
printing, well-formedness checking, type-checking, AST
transformations (and code generation).

* do-while loops

* for loops

* switch statements (C-style, with fall-through, default)
  (You may reject multiple defaults and identical cases in the same
  compound statement -- even if they are in different switches.)

* continue (works with do, for and while)

* break (works with do, for, switch and while)

* pre-increment: ++e (e must be int lval, ++e is not an lval)

* post-increment: e++  (e must be int lval, e++ is not an lval)

* conditional expressions: e1?e2:e3  (e1 must be int, e1?e2:e3 is not an lval)

The semantics should be consistent with C, except as noted above for
switch.  You may want to look at a C reference to ensure that you
understand the semantics.  For example:



The same criteria for grading and submission instructions apply as
before.  Copy grader.txt into examples/clogs/grader.txt and run "ant
submit" in examples/clogs.

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