CSC448: Homework [1/1] Previous pageContents


In this assignment you will use JFlex and CUP to parse a small subset
of Java.

You should implement your lexer/parser in examples/skeleton.  You must


You can:

* Build your parser by running "ant".

* Clean the directory of class files and the output of JFlex/CUP by
  running "ant clean".

* Run your parser using "run-main.bat" and typing input into the
  console (Control-Z on a line to signal end of input on Windows;
  Control-D on UNIX).  Run your parser using "run-main.bat"
  to read input from



Java is a fairly large language.  You do not need to parse all of
Java.  Roughly, your parser must (and must only) deal with a Java
source code file that consists of an optional package declaration,
following by optional import statements, followed by exactly one class
declaration.  That class declaration must only consist of field
declarations without initializers:

  class Foo
    // Must deal with this one.
    private int x;           

    // Not allowed by your parser.  Has an initializer (1+2).
    private int y = 1 + 2;   

    // Not allowed by your parser.  It's a method declaration not a field declaration.
    void f () { x = 5; }     

Specifically, your parser must allow:
* package declarations
* import statements (with and without wildcards)
* modifiers (public, protected, private, static, abstract, final,
             native, synchronized, transient, volatile, strictfp)
  * do not worry about modifiers that do not make sense in a particular
    place---that is cleaned up after the parser has done its work
* extends/implements on the class
* field declarations
* types, including array types for fields

Your parser must not allow:
* initializers on field declarations
* method declarations
* nested classes 
* more than one class declaration in a file

Your parser can assume that identifiers consist of ASCII rather than
Unicode characters.

Identifiers cannot consist of Java keywords, nor the "true", "false",
"null" literals, i.e., your parser should reject:

  class Foo
    int if = 1;

The Java keywords are:

	abstract    default    if            private      this
	boolean     do         implements    protected    throw
	break       double     import        public       throws
	byte        else       instanceof    return       transient
	case        extends    int           short        try
	catch       final      interface     static       void
	char        finally    long          strictfp     volatile
	class       float      native        super        while
	const       for        new           switch
	continue    goto       package       synchronized



You should write six Java files (called,..., to
test your parser.  Try to exercise boundary cases, e.g., a class that
has no extends, or no implements, or no fields.

You may include the following test case (leaving you with only five test cases to write).

  import java.awt.*;
  import java.util.List;
  import java.util.HashMap;
  public class Foo extends Bar implements Baz
    synchronized final public int w;
    static protected Foo x;
    volatile private static Baz[] y;
    private final Baz[][] z;



You will almost certainly find it useful to look at the Java Language

Especially the discussion of identifiers in section 3.8 and the
grammar in chapter 18.

Lateral thinkers may realize that there are CUP grammars for Java on
the web already.  The plagiarism policy would not allow you to submit
such work as your own, but there is a specific exception here: you are
allowed to look at the existing CUP grammars on the web (the ones from
one of the CUP websites only), but you must not cut and paste from one
of those grammars into your own files.  It is OK to retype from one
window to another.

Work incrementally.  Writing the whole parser at once is difficult.  I
recommend that you start by writing a parser that expects to find a
package declaration only.  Make sure it compiles and works as
expected.  After that, gradually add more to your parser---and test as
you go.  For example, when you start to parse classes, assume that no
field declarations are permitted initially.



Submissions will only be graded if they meet the following criteria:

* examples/skeleton/grader.txt must be completed (after copying the
  template from the examples directory).

* build.xml must not be modified.

* Files should not be moved/renamed---it makes automated testing impossible

* Must build successfully when run via "ant".

  * Not compiling = no points.

  * If you cannot get something to build, then comment it out and
    explain what is going wrong, what you think the problem is, and
    how you think you might fix it in grader.txt.



Copy grader.txt from the examples directory to the examples/skeleton

Complete grader.txt.

Run "ant submit" in the examples/skeleton directory.  Upload the
resulting file to COL.

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