CSC448: Lecture 3 (Type Checking) [0/18] Next page

Overview of Today's Class [1/18]
AST: Note [2/18]
AST: Classes [3/18]
AST: More Compact Notation [4/18]
Code/AST/PrettyPrinter Example: Source File [5/18]
Code/AST/PrettyPrinter Example: AST [6/18]
Code/AST/PrettyPrinter Example: Pretty-Printed Output [7/18]
HW2/3: The clear-cut AST nodes [8/18]
HW2/3: Switch, default and case [9/18]
Well-formedness: Poperties [10/18]
Well-formedness: Implementation [11/18]
Type Checking: Overview [12/18]
Type Checking: Integers and Strings [13/18]
Type Checking: Integers, Strings, AND Variables [14/18]
Type Checking: Adding Null [15/18]
Type Checking: Adding Statements and Functions [16/18]
Type Checking: Typechecking clogs [17/18]
Type Checking: Clogs Implementation [18/18]

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